On Tuesday, a horrifying incident unfolded at Tokyo's Haneda airport when a plane burst into flames on the runway. Reports suggest that the aircraft collided with another plane shortly after landing. Thankfully, all 379 occupants managed to escape unharmed.
Videos captured by local TV channels show a massive eruption of fire and smoke engulfing the Japan Airlines plane as it taxied on the runway. Tragically, the fire quickly spread to the surrounding wing area. An hour later, the entire plane was completely consumed by fire, as depicted in subsequent footage.
The ill-fated aircraft has been identified as an Airbus A-350, operating JAL flight 516, which had departed from Shin Chitose airport in Japan en route to Haneda.
According to NHK, Japan Airlines suspects that their plane was struck by another aircraft, potentially a Japan Coast Guard plane. The Coast Guard has initiated an investigation to determine whether its MA-722 aircraft collided with the JAL flight during their operations on the runway.
Haneda airport is known as one of Japan's busiest airports, especially during the New Year holidays when countless people embark on their travels. This incident serves as a somber reminder of the risks associated with air travel and underscores the importance of continuous vigilance in ensuring passenger safety.
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